Self-Love Club
Here are some ways to show yourself some love! Carving out time for yourself isn't always easy, but it can be done.
Check out these 10 ways to do just that. Which ones do you think you can manage?
1. relax and pamper yourself
Moisturize/Home Facial
Soak your feet in eucalyptus, lavender or rose oil
Exfoliate your skin
Take a long bath or shower
2. Nourish and nurture yourself
read or listen to an audio book, pick a Whole series!
eat something really healthy and tasty
take A Self-development COURSE
Watch a documentary, TED TALK, SEMINAR
3. Enjoy yourself time
take yourself to lunch
Volunteer somewhere
start a journal or write your own short stories
Attend a sip and paint with a local artist
build something with your hands
Go for a walk in the country or ENJOY EXPLORING SHOPS YOU'VE NEVER BEEN TO
reward yourself with cocoa, coffee, tea, or a smoothie
take time to prepare your favorite healthy snack
listen to your favorite album all the way through
take in a ball game, go fishing, camping, start a garden--something outdoors
stop at that place you keep passing by when you're in a hurry and check it out
5. take some Laugh time
Read a funny book or cartoon, comic strip, comic book, jokes in the newspaper
Watch comedy TV program or film
do an ad lib exercise with a friend or your children
take in a comedy show--by yourself or with a friend
Listen to a funny podcast
Laughter is the best medicine!
6. Pet Love Time
Walk, cuddle, play with or groom your dog or cat
or talk to them
give them treats too!
take them for a ride in the vehicle
give them a new toy
Pets give unconditional love and each have different personalities. They are great characters to watch and converse with. give it a try.
7. Self- Gratitude Time
Give yourself a compliment
Take notice of something you do well
Write down something you accomplish every day
Give yourself a pat on the back when you keep your cool, stay professional and courteous to others
write down something that you like about yourself every day
even on rough days, congratulate yourself for getting through the hard parts
8. Affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements that affirm (or make firm) our positive behaviors and ways of thinking .
to affirm is to believe what you want, you already have.
for example:
"I am devinely guided and protected."
"I am open to unconditional love."
"I am healthy, wealthy and loved."
"I give time for myself to journal each day."
affirmations are meant to motivate positive behaviors and thinking, thus, self encouragement, positive self talk and self love become the norm.
Affirmations are meant to be said, written and recited daily. they are also a conscience reminder of our own accountability.
affirmations should reflect a personal goal of yours
affirmations help us rid negative teachings of childhood and trauma that may have resulted
affirmations work only if you keep at it. practice makes perfect. try it for 2 weeks. journal the changes and see for yourself!
9. Meditation
find a quiet spot in your home, outside, or in nature. be sure to mediate each day at the same time or close to the same time so that you build a routine of it.
meditation helps us to be mindful of our current being.
Being mindful is one of the best ways of giving self love..
meditation helps us to be in the present. the goal is to release worry, tension and gain a worry free mindset.
"whatever will be, will be." you've heard it before. "it is what it is.: acceptance of things you cannot control is paramount with meditation and prepares you for challenges of the day.
Spend a few minutes in mindfulness meditation. it doesn't have to be for hours and hours. 10-15 minutes will suffice to get started.
Focus on your breathing and observe the thoughts as they come up and release them.
process your thoughts and feelings as you breathe in, then breathe them out!
10. Say I Love You
Tell yourself ‘I love you’ everyday
Look in the mirror and say it out loud
It’s like an affirmation but is worth stating separately.
Say it first thing in the morning or last thing at night or both.
don't be afraid to tell others that you love yourself!
this is making yourself a priority. it is putting you first!
practice different ways to say 'i Love You' to yourself each day.
for example:
remind yourself you are enough
show yourself compassion
do what's best for yourself even it means saying no.
make a list of priorities--make sure you are on the top of the list
be your own best friend
be honest with yourself
don't compare yourself to others
give yourself a pep talk
celebrate your achievements--even the little ones
surround yourself with the right people
ditch the guilt! do not feel bad for putting yourself first!!
Welcome to the Self-Love Club
Now Make Something of it!
--Ms. Kitty