Core Values

 Here at PowerHouse Tarot, we value:

 Integrity. We will never offer you a product that doesn't fit your needs.

Compassion. This is a judgement free zone. Everyone's situation is unique and we are not here to make you feel bad about yourself.

Confidentiality. What is spoken of in confidence will not be disclosed for ANY reason without your permission. Period.

Trust. We value our customer's trust and honesty as much as you value ours. We build our relationships on it.

Positivity. Our goal is to keep positive energy flowing and assist you with the tools you need to do the same.

Empowerment. We strive to empower you to be confident, gain new perspectives and get to know your authentic self.

Wholeness. All services and products purchased are fulfilled to the best of our abilities with completeness and competency.


Tarot is for entertainment purposes only.  Tarot can serve as a guide, but your decisions are your own. PowerHouse Tarot is not responsible for any damages, financial losses, health or personal issues the patron may experience in their own life.